Wednesday, November 19, 2008


Well it is now almost Thanksgiving Break and Finals are coming up........not only that but today I am actually picking out my classes today....ekk!!! I think I am taking two classes for my English major, maybe two for my Sociology....or the Core class I need instead of one of the Sociology classes......Then for Jan. I think I am going to take Chemistry. :( I hate science and math with a passion. I personally think my talents are totally "right brain" status....English, Art, etc. Well sorority stuff is going okay, was actually recently initiated. That was interesting.....I REALLY wanted it to end because I was wearing high hills (1 inch) regardless, me and high hills do not mix well. Needless to say I felt like my feet were on fire and bloody.....not true. but still. lol. This semester is going by kinda fast I guess.....I feel like September draged on and on and on and on and on!!!!

Well everything is going good with friends...actually have a lot more this year than i did last year. so that is always nice. then things are not too good at home. recently my grandfather passed away and my parents went there to take care of the funeral arrangements and clean up his house. I mean i know i didn't really know him, but i am still sad that he is no longer here. if anything, i feel really bad for my mom, she now has no parents left and i know if i was her i wouldn't know what i would do. actually i was recently thinking that i would maybe become a social working and work with the elderly. i think the main reason i would want to become a social worker is the fact that i personally think it is completely and totally fucked up for anyone to hurt anyone, especially children and the elderly. I think when an elderly person is abused by anyone, including a paid caretaker, it is wrong especially since i feel that these individuals should live the rest of their lives in as much peace as possible and not in fear. i don't know, maybe i am just mad right now. the positive is i still need to complete my internship so that means i can see if that is something i would honestly want to do with my life. honestly i don't know what i want to do at all. so i feel a little better that i might have a new direction that i can check out. but i am not sure... in all honesty i don't know what i want to do with my life. it is actually scary growing up. next month i am turning 20. ekk!!! i cannot believe it at all!!!!!!

So next Tuesday I am going back home early, so i am really happy about that. i mean me, my sister and brother are not having Thanksgiving....but that is alright. understandable. on my break i am going to do some extra reading that i haven't done yet and i am also going to work on some No Sew Blankets for the center where I am completing my community service. I am such a sucker, there are a lot to do. lol oh well. i want the residence to get a nice Christmas present so that is why i honestly don't mind.

i need money.....well who doesn't?? I need to pay my tuition, books, and then sorority stuff. uggggggg money makes the world go round. blah!! I wish i had they money to pay off all my stuff and have extra money.......i mean i work on campus, and i am thankful that i do yet it isn't enough. lol. i guess i am just greedy, but the thing is the whole year i can only make X amount of money...soooo there is no way i can make more. this semester was just so busy and crazy. next semester is going to be interesting. i am going to have TWO night classes.....both of course are for my English major. one is Myth in Literature and the other is Survey of English Literature II.

I know that this year i am actually having a lot of fun. almost every night i hang with friends and i have actually met more people. and i am just a lot happier. i have had my down times in the dorm, but the ups are more than the downs. I am so glad i decided to stay at school.......SOOO many things have changed since i graduated from high school more than a year ago. i am so glad that i am out of HS and doing my own thing. i was just over it. well now i better go, i will write more soon. bye.

About Me

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On a journey to learn more about myself, and trying to do what makes me happy. Life isn't turning out how I had planned, but now I am making a new plan and trying to enjoy the ride in the process. I am trying to be the best that I can be, and trying to learn how to enjoy life instead of constantly comparing myself to others and being angry about things I cannot change.