Thursday, January 31, 2008

Ugg School....

Hey! this is my first post and i just decided to rant about school. well i don't want to go back cause i honestly don't like living in the dorm and i am hoping that i can live in a rented room. :) ::crossing my fingers:: well i don't want to start classes, i am so nervous!!!!!!!!!!!! and then i hate living with my roommate for a couple of reasons, one is the fact that i feel like i have walk around on egg shells around her. and then it does get boring there. i am not too social and i don't like talking to a lot of people. i love keeping to myself most of the time, i just love reading and doing my own thing. uggg, seriously this last month was fun. i got to hang out with friends and relax. then i cannot wait for spring break, hehe it is going to be fun. ;) well anyways that is it for now.

About Me

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On a journey to learn more about myself, and trying to do what makes me happy. Life isn't turning out how I had planned, but now I am making a new plan and trying to enjoy the ride in the process. I am trying to be the best that I can be, and trying to learn how to enjoy life instead of constantly comparing myself to others and being angry about things I cannot change.